Fall Medicine

The fall season is connected with the Metal Element in Chinese Medicine and is associated with the lungs, the intestines, the skin, the lymph, the immune system, and our capacity to let go. The Lymphatic system is the sewage system of our body and helps the immune system function optimally by removing waste products. Because lymph is a thick honey like consistency, we want to keep it circulating well especially in the armpit/chest, shoulder and groin areas. When it’s circulation gets sluggish we feel fatigued, inflamed and easily catch whatever viruses or pathogens are going around.

Here are my top Three Free Therapy tips to support these systems and thrive in fall:

1. Shaking medicine
One of the best ways to improve your lymphatic and immune health is to simply shake and bounce a few minutes everyday. This is 101 in the Taoist art of Qigong, or energy cultivation. 
2. Inverting
Adding either passive and active inversions to your regular practice opens the armpit/chest, lungs, and diaphragm. Another way to support the lungs and lymphatic system. 

1. Pre/ProBiotics for Gut Health 

a) Prebiotics like onions and garlic help our gut use probiotics.
b) Probiotics are the key to gut health and a resilient immune system. 

2. Adaptogens for a Strong Immune System 
Adaptogens are herbal extracts that help your immune system adapt to stress and change, one of my favourites and a daily supplement for me and my family is North American Ginseng, but there's an apadptogen that's just right for you based on your constitution. 

1. Lymphatic rocking. 3 minutes of lymphatic rocking a day will unwind tension and help improve your lymphatic circulation. 
2. Nose breathing. Nose breathing is a must for healthy immunity and keeping your nervous system regulated. Here are 5 reasons why.

For other thoughts aligning with the energy of fall, see my post on the Fall Season, and on supporting your immune system see my post called Immune Booster.


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